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Showing posts from November, 2018

THE LASSFOREEL STORY - The Mis-Translated Town in Vermont

What is a Lassforeel? Apparently it is a town in Vermont so my question became  where is Lassforeel? 1814 Map of Vermont, from the Library of Congress by Carey & Doolittle Digital ID: I like to write brief biographies of our ancestors and to do it effectively for my children, I add lots of maps, including contemporary, current, and sometimes a Google Earth shot. The above map is as close as I could get to the marriage date of ancestors Ichabod Clawson and Katherine Beden in 1807. I am particularly interested in Ichabod because he appears to have lived in several states over his 80+ year life-span. Rambling feet, our family calls it... But to be efficient, I need to be able to pinpoint their whereabouts on the map. Henceforth the story of The Search For Lassforeel. (B) Marriage record of Ichabod Clawson and Katherine Beden 23 Aug 1807  by Benjamin Wooster, Minister. Close-up.'s in...

CONDEMNED - Hope Shotwell Woodward - Part III

IMMEDIATE FAMILY - QUAKER...OR NOT? Photograph of Sandy Hill Meeting House by author, 1979. The Meeting House with the Woodward headstones bottom center. 1979 by author. There has been much speculation as to this family's church affiliation. Some believe Hope's husband, Joseph Woodward, must have joined the Quakers after he married Hope because he is buried in the Sandy Hill Cemetery. Some have mentioned that his parents were Quaker, presumably because they came from a long line of active Quakers back in Chester County in eastern Pennsylvania. My conclusions are based on the research of records currently available online (November 2018). I believe the Shotwell and Woodward family histories, written in the latter quarter of the 1800s, were repeated on down through the years as other family histories were written. OBSERVATIONS: • I have rarely found significant errors in these early books, even though it was exceedingly difficult to find primary documentation a...

CONDEMNED - Hope Shotwell Woodward - Part II

THE MARRIAGE: Somewhere along the line, Hope and Joseph met, probably living in close proximity to each other. I have not been able to find a record of their marriage yet, but I am hopeful. The county did not require the recording of marriages until 1885. I have done what I believe to be a relatively thorough search of biographical histories of their known children, but did not find their marriage in them, as is sometimes the case, and also the J.V. Thompson Journals, written by a local historian who spent many years interviewing older residence, similar to Lyman Draper, if you are familiar with his frontier work... That leaves the possibility of a family Bible surfacing, and Presbyterian records because (1) people who left the Quaker fold often became Presbyterians and (2) some of their children were known to have been active in the local Presbyterian Church. This is an incorrect analogy of's index. ALWAYS look at the original record (usually a scan is availabl...