What is a Lassforeel? Apparently it is a town in Vermont so my question became where is Lassforeel? 1814 Map of Vermont, from the Library of Congress by Carey & Doolittle Digital ID: http://hdl.loc.gov/loc.gmd/g3750.ct000094 I like to write brief biographies of our ancestors and to do it effectively for my children, I add lots of maps, including contemporary, current, and sometimes a Google Earth shot. The above map is as close as I could get to the marriage date of ancestors Ichabod Clawson and Katherine Beden in 1807. I am particularly interested in Ichabod because he appears to have lived in several states over his 80+ year life-span. Rambling feet, our family calls it... But to be efficient, I need to be able to pinpoint their whereabouts on the map. Henceforth the story of The Search For Lassforeel. (B) Marriage record of Ichabod Clawson and Katherine Beden 23 Aug 1807 by Benjamin Wooster, Minister. Close-up. Ancestry.com's in...
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